Sheena Mathieson Art

State of Play


I love colour, shape, pattern and surface. I love the possibilities created by the spontaneous application of colour and different shapes using a limited palette of blues, reds, yellows (and sometimes white).

I also love words.  I am always excited by the prospect of researching words in my father’s first dictionary: a tattered early 20th Century version of the Chambers Dictionary. I love how definitions move with the times. I love how ‘past’ definitions in the old Chambers can be so different from their contemporary meanings. I love the ring of words and how meaning is created through their juxtaposition. Letters and words also have visual properties – shapes to be played with.

And so….

With these loves in mind, I have made 13 works which form part of The So and So Show:  monoprints, using pattern, colour and shapes/words cut from upcycled materials including old calendars of my mother’s. Each work is an absolute one-off; completely unique. No two ever the same.

The text that I have added to each work in this series revolves around the word ‘So’, and sayings using this word – some probably now defunct, others still popular.

The works are poster-like, vibrant, and a bit cheeky. Completely unique!


These works are printed on 225 gsm Japon Proofing paper measuring 48 x 65 cm.

$200 unframed,  $500 framed.

Free delivery in the Melbourne metropolitan area.

Postage extra outside the Melbourne metropolitan area.

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