Sheena Mathieson Art

Glimpse Art Space and Sheena Mathieson present

All that is left

273 High Street, Northcote

Now and until 27 July 2022


Sheena Mathieson has exhibited in High Street across the years, starting in 2003 with her Moments in Time exhibition at Synergy Gallery (now EnviroShop), Me and the Tree in 2007 (also at Synergy), and her Northern Exposure 2012 window display at what was Northcote Natural Therapies at 261 High Street.

With her recurring play on colour, shape and form on preloved surfaces, especially wood and its byproducts, Sheena creates a range of artworks exploring the world around us.

All that is left is Sheena’s poetic reference to the importance and beauty of trees in our tenuous relationship with the environment.

In this exhibition a found plastic mannequin is dressed in an outfit crafted from papier-mâchéd toilet paper wraps, oil paint, sap, leaves and branches, fastened to a polished piece of burnt coastal Messmate (Eucalyptus obliqua).

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